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Thursday, December 06, 2007

Aboriginal land claims

If you would like to email me this I will work on it.
It has been great typing practice.
Take care

Brant Brady communication officer 1970. Admin office photojournalism progrm grad
Communiy history journalist aborigianal media program coordinator.
Communication officer for Mohawks.
Chief in Council presented claim. Need a community committee as long term unlike council two year term now have committee
Wolf,bear and turtle clans Brent is researcher now not community rep
Land claim process not well known well in canada.
SLide show chronolognot a lot of knowledge of land claim here
Why culbertson claim now after so long.
Until 1951
SIX Nations could n't bring legal claims against Crown until
1973 calder versus canada right to land post settlement
Legal process for Aboriginal
can bring claims againest crown
First land claim process
Little understanding of constituion 1867 British north America
Trudeau repatriation from Uk with any laws constition rules.
Are INdians subject to constitution?
SIX NATIONS HAS ITS own constitution
Section 25 not abrogates aboriginal
ROyal PRoclamation withset of prinicipal

1982 kitchen table talks with TRudeau on treaty rights recognised in constitution
Difficulty with this is treaty usually have something written down. Aboriginal rights not written down.
.Empty box as
No light on what are rights
SParrow case hunting and Fishing
Crown shared responsibilty betwwee province and feds.
Natural resources under control of provinc but Indians under federal government.
Finger pointing between two goverments.
Aboriginal title to land if no treaty in BC prior to 1867 grey area inBC
Mitchell Maps 1755 ofLake Ontario. Mohawk not a lot of history. Zenoophobia stranger wanted something lot of exteral pressure Indian Agent had so much power could ta ke your children.
Scholars wrote how backward Mohawks are
PEople see Mowhawks came from up state NewYork
1oo families came post Revolution
Bay of Quinte birthplace of Peace Maker Great Law of Peace maker
Oldest constitution in America North.
145o sky went black when Seneca joined looked a science. Looked at Senaca cane look at numbr of generations of chiefs.
Looked at artifacts and science and found 1142 for the conferacy in Bay of Quinte

MITCHELL maps 1755. In Canadin archives
Detailled maps Ontario Iroquois French for Six Nations
Nations extend to limits they have been in control of over 1oo years to Ottawa River.

Kente Mission in PEC Hay Bay Napanee village recognised by cartograher.
Sand Banks Iroquo burials.
Six Nations declared neutral in American Revolution.
Six Nations War of Spanish succession king died with no. Succssion. France an England both claimed Spain.
Queen Anne,s war Queen Anne, silver.
Mohawk assisted British
Six Nations neutral as Englsh against English. When affecteed Mohawk lands.
Rebels said loyalists will claim land andvisa versa

Joeph Brant leader decided to follow British
Refugee camp lacine Quebec and at niagara
We know who won.
Treaty of Paris peace boundary between rebel and british. No mention of Mohawks as not consulted. War declare to make up losses mourning wars take prisoner to build up numbers. Treated well adopt prisonner,
British worried about mourniing war therefore peace
British colonial official say Mohawk needs land for comfortable retreat.
Captain Desoronto Samuel holland went to Kingston Mohawk Landing on Bayside Road error on cairn. Capt Brant took sick and tayed in Montreall. As a result laid out shetch.
In Public Recod office in London.
The more looked at the more iinteresting. People from camp at Lachine
Upside down map Six Nations look to south pointing to home landm
PEC burials on Loyalist Parkway redesign road.
West boundary by Brighton, north boundary around Highway 7.
20 family Mohawk Landing post revolution. 9aptain John Brant upset Loyalists settling on Mohawk lands laid out on landslaid out in shetch.
Captains given 1

1000 aces
Needed treaty 3 half r Simcoe Treaty 1793
Lands set aside for comfortable usem

Sketch 1819 wanted to cut road to York.
Sole use free and undistrubed use.
Power to evict people and resume the same.
4econdy map covers Tyebdinaga Township much smaller huge compromise.
100 per cent of Canada used by Aboriginal. Now reserves now less than one per cent.
NoLandClaims before 1867
Not lifted until 1991 when lifted and now Mohawks work on Culthbertson Claim.
Local Record costs a lot. Reords complex provincial better get nightmare documents not preserved.
Needed lawyers submitted land claim only after 1991allowe tosubmitted. 1995 submitted claim. 5ocument found in Indian and Northen Affairs

Ipawash outcome province has set up Ministry of Aboriginal affairs We are encouraged.

As has provincial representative at table. Said Brady.

Culbertson Claim
Chiefs issued a quick claim between mohawks.
'Ohn Culbertson
Liet governor issue crown patent toCulbertson Land butletter of protest. +Illegal dispoition of land to Culbertson

Mohawks hired a mapping expert existing boundaries county road ten east hwlf of lot 2x .ill 4treet north 923 acres in all
Senate committee on Aborigina Peoples review specific claims policy found Canada judge and jury in claims pocess.
Canada tellyou hiw compensation will be assess
2004 Negociation orConfrontation it's Canda's choice. Itis available on Internet.
How long tosettl. 90 yers o settle them all.

Bureaucrat negociate from IIndian Affairs

2.5 billion dollars to settle
It takes a long time for research on shoe string.
Land claim research 30,000 dollars per year to Mohawks per year.

All take time.

Possibility od First Nations against First Nations.
Courts rule claims arise t assession of sovreignitym It can be complex.
Spefic claims and comprensive claim when title not been extinquished by a treaty.
Captain Crawford 1783 topurchase interest of Missauga. BEAVER Wars nations wiped out by Six Natiina on dish one spoon wapoon belt beaed Engliand Nanfan Treaty extended to th French Grand Paix. All same agreement.

Earliest. Treaty with people of five nation. Indian inhis caoe and foreigner in ship travel side by side neither would try and steer the other's ship.

Later treaties were just land grabs as English wanted land for settlers.

All treaties recorded in the wanpon belts.

Original 10,000 acres

Many First Nations did not put in claims as not confident in system.

FIRST nations wanted Un to be involved as Canada not neutral.

Canada wrote to Panana as Panana wanted to support taking iit to Un.

Six Nations worked UN on RIGHTS of Aboriginal People
Nov 2? Independat tribunial first reading in fed parliment

6 judges paid by government

Hope out of provincial government from shooing of Dudley Geore Linden commission.

Stand allone ministry in province.

134 communities consulting on the treaty commission.

çhage of government could change this

Cautiously optimist

BillC31 women reinstated woam who married out.
Most crown land held by province no federal government.

Michael Bryant appointed. Made commitment treaty commissiom set up more aboriginal graduation, police relations will improve and more jobs for youth.

What is reaction in this area with local people?

HUGE VALE in sessions like this.
Racist attitudes in thiis area.

People ignorant about land clais

Survivalin a post colonial ara.

1830 30 barrels of flourturned to cattle feed for 200 acres of land.

The leasess were taken tocourt.

The federal governmenthired lwyers for theleasees.

Interim minister came in government purchases leases on land people happy to get money so they could buynew homes as old omes were shacksm

We have loose canons as their are frustrated. See population growing and
Tension as people frustrated.

Specific Claims Policy also Treaty between Crown and Six Nations.

Any land First Nation buy land it has to be turned into reserve land.

Don,t solve. One injustice with another.

Farmers will not be taken off the land.

Courts ruled not place tosolve
Land claims. they should be negociated.

Tribunial will be run by superior court judges. One member will have. Ultimate power to decide if claim is valid.

Is there any possibility of UN involvement. Indigenous people across world come together but Canada voted againest this

What can people do?

Last poll 70 per cent of Canadians want claims settled.

I think we need your support as you vote for them.

Michael Bryant said fed,s tribunal wheb people need more land.

Negociation takes. Long time.Jointly agree terms reference for mappingm

For any firt nationa
at land claims table you are borrowing against claim settlement. One canget so far in debt.

Only been at it since 2004 getting so far in debt. Now an Aboriginal Law Society.

Need to go to Privy Council as governed by British Common Law.

Fastest growing sector of population. 350 studets at Loyaist,

Government spin five billion feeding Department of Indian Affairs,

Natura resources of Canada produce great wealth.


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